Tamanu Oil in a bottle ready for a massage
Tamanu Oil – The Beauty Secret of the South Pacific Islands


Tamanu oil, also known as Dilo oil in Fiji,  is a powerful, rich oil that comes from the nut of a tree found in the South Pacific. It’s been used for centuries by indigenous peoples to treat skin conditions and scars, as well as other ailments. Tamanu oil has been used on cuts, burns and even chicken pox to help speed up healing time and reduce symptoms. In this article I’ll discuss how tamanu oil can be used on your skin and body for both health benefits and cosmetic purposes!

What is Tamanu Oil?

Tamanu oil is a plant-based oil that has been used for centuries by the people of the South Pacific to heal cuts, burns and wounds. Tamanu oil’s main ingredient is calophyllolide which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling. The other components of this magical oil include vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids (which are good for your skin), antioxidants and fatty acids (also good for your skin).

The health benefits of Tamanu Oil include:

  • Anti-aging properties – It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles while improving elasticity. Tamanu can also help fade acne scars by reducing inflammation around breakouts so they heal quickly without leaving dark marks behind. Plus it will moisturise dry areas like elbows or knees so they don’t look as bad anymore!

The History and Healing Power of Tamanu Oil

Tamanu oil has been used in the South Pacific for centuries. It’s a staple in skin care products and beauty routines, but it also offers many other benefits. Tamanu oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help protect your skin from environmental damage, as well as omega fatty acids that contribute to healthy hair growth.

Not only are tamanu nuts harvested sustainably without harming the tree itself, but they’re vegan friendly too! This means you can feel good about using this product knowing no animals were harmed while making it happen–and they’ll thank you by keeping their own bodies healthy too (what goes around comes around).

The Benefits of Tamanu Oil for Your Skin

The benefits of tamanu oil
Tamanu Oil – The Beauty Secret of the South Pacific Islands

Tamanu oil is a rich natural moisturiser that can help to heal acne and dry skin. The oil has a thick consistency, which makes it good for dry patches of skin or eczema, but not so great for oily types. It’s also high in vitamin A and E, both of which are essential for keeping your skin looking healthy and glowing.

It’s important to note that tamanu oil should be used sparingly on your face as the skin on your face is more delicate therefore you should not need much. Tamanu oil is low on the comedogenic scale, meaning it allows your skin to breath and is highly unlikely to cause pore-clogging.  Since it’s an all-natural product with no preservatives added, you’ll want to make sure you’re using only as much as necessary so that the shelf life of your bottle doesn’t expire before you’ve gotten through all of its contents!

Tamanu oil is a great option for those who are looking to add an all-natural moisturiser to their skincare routine. It’s also excellent for healing dry patches or eczema, and can even be used on your hair as well!

How to Use Tamanu Oil on the Skin

Tamanu oil is an excellent natural moisturiser. It can be used on the face, body and hair and it’s a rich source of vitamins A and C. This makes it vegan friendly and cruelty free! Tamanu oil is great for healing skin problems like acne or eczema as well as repairing sun damage from too much exposure to UV rays.

How to Use Tamanu Oil in a Body Oil Cleanser or Facial Cleanser.

The best way to use tamanu oil is in a body oil cleanser or facial cleanser. This will allow you to reap all of the benefits of this natural remedy, and it’s easy to make!

To make a body oil cleanser:

  • Pour about 1/4 cup coconut oil into a small bowl and add 2 drops each of rose water and lemon juice, then stir until well combined
  • Add 5-10 drops tamanu oil (you’ll want less if you have sensitive skin) and mix thoroughly until everything is smooth
  • Store in an airtight container until ready for use
The benefits of tamanu oil
The key ingredients in tamanu oil.

Discover the healing power of tamanu oil.

Tamanu oil has been used for centuries in South Pacific countries like Tahiti and Fiji to heal cuts, wounds, rashes and other skin conditions. Modern science has confirmed its powerful healing properties: tamanu contains vitamins A, C and E as well as minerals such as zinc–all of which help protect against free radicals that can cause premature aging. It’s also rich in antioxidants that fight off environmental damage from pollution or UV rays.

In addition to these benefits for your complexion (and overall health), tamanu oil is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory agent because it contains triterpenes–a type of fatty acid found in plants like pine trees or grapeseed extract that have been shown to reduce swelling by blocking the production of histamines at their source rather than simply reducing their effects after they’ve already accumulated on your body’s surface layer.*


Tamanu oil is an amazing product that has been used for thousands of years. It is known for its healing properties, and it can be used on the skin to treat many different conditions. The best part about using tamanu oil as a beauty product is that it doesn’t take much time or effort at all! All you need is some good old fashioned soap and water, or perhaps even just plain water if that’s all you have available.”


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