Repurpose clothing in 10 easy ways .


Here are ten easy ways to repurpose and help the environment . These are very small steps but help create a big impact.

Coconut Body Scrub – Fijian Recipe


This is an easy recipe for making a coconut body scrub using coconut milk. You can either make this with freshly squeeze coconut milk or tinned milk. It is entirely up to you.

Life as a local in the Solomon Islands


What it is actually like as a local in the Solomon Islands. Read more here to get inside knowledge on the local island way of life there.

skincare tips that work

Healthy skin for life in 10 Easy Steps.


We all want healthy skin forever, but how do we go about achieving this without breaking the bank or investing in expensive cosmetic treatments. A good skincare routine can help promote healthy skin by removing

Travel Zip-lock bag for kids

Essentials to pack for kids in your carry-on.


When travelling with kids, it is imperative that you make this whole process exciting so that they are happy and you are happy too. Your trip will go smoothly based on what you pack in